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近五年来,主持省部级项目2项。在DYES AND PIGMENTS等期刊发表SCI论文8篇,申请授权国家发明专利2件。


1. 环境污染物分析检测、环境污染物处理处置

2. 天然药物分析



1. 昆明市第九批中青年学术和技术后备人选

2. 昆明市第十届自然科学优秀科技论文奖,二等奖

3. 红云园丁“优秀教学改革奖”



[1] 云南省科技厅项目,202301BA070001-020,基于绿色中药理念的中药槐米碳点检测及药渣吸附脱色性能研究,2023.08-2026.0910万元,在研,主持;



[1] Lin Yuan; Ze Liu; Lei Jiang; Yingying Xiang; Fei Song; Yujiao Tu*, Selective and sensitive simultaneous detection of tartrazine and Hg2+ based on N-doped yellow-green fluorescent carbon dots, Dyes and Pigments, 2023, 209(01): 110893.

[2] Tu Yujiao; Ze Liu;Lei Jiang;Yingying Xiang;Fei Song;Lifen Meng;Xiuling Ji*; Lin Yuan*, Green ratiometric fluorescent dual-mode nanosensor for highly selective and sensitive detection of new coccine in food, Dyes and Pigments, 2023, 210(01): 111024.

[3] Lei Jiang, Yujiao Tu, Weihua Dai, Lin Yuan*. Chemical constituents from the calli of Maytenus hookeri [J]. Journal of Chinese Pharmaceuticcal Sciences, 2023, 32(4), 283-290.

[4] 袁琳; 单志卓; 桂旖淳; 张毅*; 王颖臻, 新型低共熔溶剂液液微萃取技术检测食品中的苏丹红类色素, 化学试剂, 2022, 44(11): 1670-1675.

[5] Jiang Lei, Yuan Lin, Xiang Yingying, Song Fei, Jiang Wenjun, Ji Xiuling, Tu Yujiao. Dual-mode nanoprobe for selective detection of arsenite based on yellow fluorescent carbon dots [J]. DYES AND PIGMENTS, 2023, 215: 111292.

[6] JiangLei, Yuan Lin, Gao Shan, Xiang Yingying, Song Fei, Ma Wensi, Wan Jing, Ji Xiuling, TuYujiao. Facile hydrothermal synthesis of N-doped fluorescent carbon dots for selective detection of insecticide parathion [J]. ANALYTICAL METHODS, 2023, 15(19): 2376-2381.

[7] Jiang Lei, Yuan Lin, Liu Ze, Xiang YingYing, Song Fei, Meng LiFen, Tu YuJiao. Facile Hydrothermal Synthesis and Purification of Fluorescent Carbon Dots for Food Colorant Tartrazine Detection Based on Dual-mode Nanosensor [J]. ANALYTICAL METHODS, 2022, 14: 4127.

[8] Tu Yujiao, Yuan Lin, Liu Ze, Xiang Yingying, Song Fei, Jiang Lei*. Synthesis of fluorescent carbon quantum dots based on Boletus speciosus and analysis of metronidazole [J]. CURRENT NANOSCIENCE, 2023, 19(5): 715-725.



[1] 涂渝娇,蒋蕾,袁琳,季秀玲,向盈盈,宋飞,一种L-精氨酸基碳点的制备方法及其在柠檬黄检测中的应用(发明专利,20240119日授权,专利号:ZL 2022 1 0591755.8

[2] 涂渝娇,袁琳,蒋蕾,季秀玲,向盈盈,宋飞,基于防己诺林碱碳点的比率型荧光探针的制备方法及应用(发明专利,20231003日授权,专利号:ZL 2022 1 0768664.7

